In our search for answers and a new plan for Katie, we have been able to connect with an amazing group of Doctors, Patients, Family Members, and Researchers. This group of people make up a network called the Castlemans Disease Collaborative Network. For the first time ever this network is hosting a Patient Summit in San Francisco this weekend to ket patients connect with the lead doctors and researchers in this disease. The purpose of this is to allow us to go and listen to what new advances are being made, have a question and answer session with the doctors leading the fight, and get to know and connect with other people going through the same thing. Katie and I are blessed to be able to have this chance to go. As I am loading up the car with our suitcase, her medical file, and all I need for the girls on the plane, I find myself once again humbled by the love and support we continue to feel by everyone far and wide in our lives. And once again Katie's spirit reminds me to not I am running around like a crazy woman trying to get it all together so we can head to the airport she is twirling and singing Let it Go in her Elsa dress and bouncing around with mad talking about flying on a plane. LOL Also, Without the support we would never be able to find the strength, courage, and voice to search the globe for Katie. I am blessed to have one of my best friends so close....not only is she pushing me and supporting me to do this, she is also taking David for the weekend so that we can go and focus on Katie. Thank you also to my Mom for once again coming where I need her so that she can help me with the girls. She truly has always been by my side at the drop of a hat. Thank you also to our families, even though you will not be able to come with us, I feel like this opportunity will be a win for everyone as we can connect and learn more about how to help Katie in her fight! Unfortunately my amazing husband has to sit this one out because he will be working non stop until Christmas, but between his dedication to us and work, and our combined fight for Katie I am truly feeling like we are on the right path.
Katie was also featured in the CDCN's online medical journal this month which was an amazing blessing to be able to share her story with the world:
I am praying for wisdom and answers to come from this weekend's adventures, but also to just be able to connect with other people who know how Katie is feeling. Thank you everyone for the love and support and continue to pray for us!
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